Monday, July 8, 2019

Bankruptcy: Absolute Priority Rule

             Two bankruptcy cases well explain the rights of parties to contribute new value upon bankruptcy reorganization. 
     In In Re Woodscape Limited Partnership the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland at Rockville held that the owners of the debtor corporation have an independent right to contribute new value to the reorganization, and in exchange may receive an interest in the reorganized debtor, which is equivalent to the new contribution. This decision was contrary to In Re Greyston III Joint Venture
     In Travelers Ins. Co. v. Bryson a Bankruptcy Court in North Carolina ruled that a provision in a debtor reorganization plan which limited the right to contribute new capital to the debtor's partners, as well as the right to the return of their new capital prior to recovery by an unsecured creditor, is not fair and equitable to the unsecured creditor. 
     Commercial creditors should carefully consider contributing new capital to debtor business. In some instances, the investment may be wise.

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